Pet Owners Beware: Are Poisonous Toads Invading Your Yard?
Unusually warm weather coupled with extensive rain has led to what some experts are calling a “toad vortex.” Thousands of Cane Toads, also known as Bofu Toads, are invading some Palm Beach Gardens neighborhoods, with experts warning of a larger outbreak in as little as 22 days. Here’s what you need to know:
The Good: Like all toads and frogs, the Cane toad eats many insects. They particularly love beetles and their larvae, along with other pests like roaches, spiders, flies, and mosquitoes.
The Bad: Cane toads are indiscriminate eaters. In addition to insects, they feed on native lizards and frogs, disrupting the local ecosystem.
The Ugly: Cane toads are a nonnative species that can be deadly to curious pets. If your pet bites or swallows a Cane toad, they can become sick and die in as little as 15 minutes. Symptoms include frantic or disoriented behavior, brick red gums, seizures, and foaming at the mouth.