Subterranean termites are creamy white to dark brown/black and long, narrow, and oval in shape. They are 1/8 inch long and are found throughout the U.S.
Subterranean termites live in underground colonies with as many as two million members. They are also found in moist secluded areas above ground. Subterranean termites swarm in the spring when groups of reproductive termites go off to start new colonies.
Subterranean termites are by far the most destructive termite species. The hard, saw-toothed jaws of termites work like shears and are able to bite off extremely small fragments of wood, one piece at a time. Over time, they can collapse a building entirely, meaning possible financial ruin for a homeowner. If you suspect a termite infestation, contact a pest professional about subterranean termite treatment.
If you have or suspect you have termites, call us for a free termite inspection. Our technicians will evaluate your home for signs of termites and recommend a Termite Control program right for you. We also offer termite prevention programs to protect your most valuable investment – your home – from the costly damage termites can cause.