Biological Control Solutions

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Not All Bugs are Bad

Biological control is the process of using a pest’s natural enemies to control their populations. This can be achieved by either releasing beneficial insects, by creating an environment that attracts and sustains populations of beneficial insects in your landscape or ideally, a combination of both.

Biological controls come in the form of insect predators/parasites, fungi, bacteria and more and should be chosen based on their effectiveness at controlling the target pest(s) in the environment we are growing in.

Pollinators, Predators and Parasites

“The three ‘P’s’ of beneficial insects are pollinators, predators and parasites. Pollinators, such as honeybees, fertilize flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Predators, such as lady beetles and soldier bugs, consume pest insects as food. Parasites use pests as nurseries for their young. On any given day, all three ‘P’s’ are feeding on pests or on flower pollen and nectar in a diversified garden. If you recognize these good bugs, it’s easier to appreciate their work and understand why it’s best not to use broad-spectrum herbicides.”

Biological Controls Goals

It is important to have realistic objectives and expectations when managing pests in the landscape. The goal of biological control is pest suppression, not elimination. Biological control works to keep pest populations below the level where significant damage occurs. Damage is usually measured in terms of aesthetic appearance for ornamental plants. Every homeowner has a different level of tolerance for plant damage. Likewise, damage tolerance varies considerably from one plant to another, as do pest management goals.

What Can You Do To Solve Pest Control Issues In Your Garden Or Yard?

We start by gathering information. Our team of pest control professionals are deeply educated about the pests we control. Know thy enemy and we do. We understand pests and how to handle them. Reach out to our team with questions and learn more about the options of controlling pests in your garden and yard.
An effective biological control program works in harmony with nature by bolstering the ecosystems ability to maintain balance between predator and pest.  For the informed homeowner, there are advantages to using biological control programs. The most significant advantage is a reduction (or even elimination) of the use of pesticides in the landscape.